The renowned Romanian geriatrician and gerontologist Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan, famous worldwide for her discoveries, set the basis for buy Gerovital H3 treatment, developing the first cosmetic products with a geriatric effect, thus declaring war to Aging.
The product consists of procaine hydrochloride (better known as Novocaine), stabilizers like benzoic acid, potassium metabisulfite and disodium phosphate and the natural vitamins E and PABA. It also contains SOD, a super-enzyme, which acts against the oxidative degradation of collagen and elastin, the most important proteins in the skin.
How to Buy Gerovital H3: Tips and Recommendations
Gerovital H3 fights against the first signs of aging (fine line around mouth and eyes, eye pouches and dark circles, loss of the skins brightness) as well as against the deterioration of the muscle tissues, joint and bone. It is recommended in cerebral and peripheral arthrosclerosis and in the treatment of post-infart and hemiplegia consequences, in tegument dystrophies, trophic ulcers, atonic wounds as well as in osteoarthritis, degenerating rheumatism, osteoporosis and during fracture consolidation periods. It is also used in Parkinson and Parkinsonian syndromes. It improves the hair resistance and quality, it helps in repigmentation and reduces alopecia, head skin seborrhoea (dandruff) and pruritus. Due to the inhibition on the generation of the superoxide radical, it is also a powerful antioxidant.
The geriatric effects of Gerovital H3 are not based on the fact that it is an MAO inhibitor but rather on its ability to stimulate the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by cells, which is an essential energy molecule for all living organisms. It is also a free radical quenching agent. In contrast to the conventional MAO inhibitors, Gerovital H3 does not interfere with tyramine in foods, hence it is safe for people suffering from food intolerances.