The ‘TPM has malfunctioned’ error is a common one, Step #5 – enabling TPM solved my 80090016 error.. but it can be difficult to resolve. This article will provide a few solutions that you can try in order to get this problem to go away.
TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is a specialized chip on almost all modern motherboards that handles encryption and other security-related functions. When this hardware component fails, it can cause problems with other Windows components, including those related to Microsoft’s online services. This results in error code 80090016, which prevents you from signing into Outlook and other Microsoft online services.
Conquering the 80090016 Error: How Enabling TPM in Step #5 Saved the Day
In order to fix this issue, you should enable TPM in the BIOS/ UEFI. To do this, press the Windows key and type regedit into the search box. Once you have opened up the Registry Editor, click on New and select DWORD (32-bit) Value from the list of available options. Enter the following values:
After entering these details, you should save and exit the Registry Editor and reboot your PC. Then, you should check if the ‘TPM has malfunctioned‘ errors have disappeared.
If you continue to encounter this error message, try clearing your TPM keys. This will clear any previous settings and reset your TPM to default. This method can also help if you’ve had trouble using certain features in your Windows PC, such as the NGC folder. You can follow these instructions to clear your TPM: