Account registration risk scoring uses machine learning to understand the normal login behavior patterns of your authorized users. It compares current login behavior patterns to the normal pattern of the user and if there is a mismatch, the risk score increases and the user might be prompted to enter additional authentication requirements or denied access to your site.
A high risk score means that someone is trying to abuse your system or their account. This could be anything from account sharing to fake accounts or credit card fraud. This is a major risk and needs to be mitigated immediately.
Account Registration Risk Scoring: Assessing the Threat Level of New User Accounts
Typically this will be done with velocity rules. These are based on a number of different parameters including the number, type and severity of security alerts received by a device or user. Other factors include whether devices have been flagged as lost, whether a person has enabled or disabled security protection on their device and how many apps are installed.
Login risk scores are used for detection of fraudulent activities during the account registration process. They can also be applied to in-app events (profile update, transactions) to prevent account takeover and business logic or payment abuse. They use data from Workspace ONE UEM and from Workspace ONE Intelligence if you have integrated the two systems. Risk scores are available for out of the box use in Workspace ONE Access and in access policies. They can also be displayed in dashboards and widgets.