Treadmill Service and RepairTreadmill Service and Repair
Treadmills are expensive pieces of equipment and like any piece of complex cardio exercise equipment, they require regular maintenance. This preventative maintenance keeps the treadmill running smoothly and helps uncover any potential problems before they escalate into major repair costs. While many people can perform basic maintenance tasks such as lubrication, treadmill repair and maintenance are best left to professionals.
There are a few things you should always check before calling for professional treadmill service and repair. First, make sure the treadmill is plugged in and that the power cable has not tripped the circuit breaker or fuse box. It is also important to check the treadmill’s owner’s manual for maintenance guidelines and troubleshooting steps. Most major treadmill issues can be resolved by following these guidelines, and it is usually less costly to do so than waiting for the problem to worsen or getting a new machine altogether.
Treadmill Service and Repair: What to Expect from Professional Technicians
One of the most important types of maintenance is lubrication. Without this, the belt and deck can develop friction that will lead to a host of problems including slow and rough movement, overheating, the motor burning out and even damage to the belt. It is recommended that you lubricate your treadmill belt every 3 months or as often as advised by the manufacturer.
Cleaning your treadmill is also something you should be doing regularly as well. Using a damp rag or cloth with a little hot water or a mild detergent will keep your treadmill clean and free of debris. You should also clean any areas around the belt or on the treadmill deck regularly.